April 26, 2012

Operational ground systems at CADMOS

From the NADAR building in CNES premises in Toulouse (France) CADMOS provides the scientific community with opportunities of telescience operations (voice, video, telemetry, telecommand). Laboratories are mainly located on the ground floor of the building, as well as different rooms, such as the simulation room and the control room (SCP), equipped to ensure the inflight monitoring of experiments and the interconnection with ESA, NASA and Russia. It is of course necessary to link the different stakeholders and it is the role of communication networks. Finally, to carry out all the tasks, teams responsible for the various projects have been formed. Preparation of a laboratory experiment and its implementation in the control room

laboratoire Déclic au CADMOS
laboratoire Déclic au CADMOS
Expérience Déclic au laboratoire
Expérience Déclic au laboratoire
Expérience Déclic en salle de contrôle
Expérience Déclic en salle de contrôle

See also